Astrology Services



Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed?

Is life a bit challenging at the moment?

Looking for insight?

You can receive the answers which you are looking for with Astrology.

During your session, we can discuss your natal birth chart, life potentials, talents, love life, challenges, and the best way to approach them.

These individualized readings may be held over the phone or via Zoom session.


Astrological 1:1 Sessions


Natal Birth Chart and Forecast Reading

A Natal Birth chart is the blueprint of your entire life potential.  In this reading, we will discuss love, money, work, and health as well as the current transits and how they influence your life.


  • 60-minute Zoom video call with the option to record reading
  • A PDF document with your natal Birth Chart


  • No prior knowledge of astrology
  • Date, Place of birth, and exact time of birth (within 5 minutes)
  • I can erect a chart based on a Solar (Sun placement) chart if birthtime is not obtainable

60 minutes – $135 USD


Relationship (Synastry) Reading

A synastry reading analyzes the two individual astrological birth charts to see how their planets speak with each other.  In this reading, we can see the strengths as well as the potential challenges the relationship may go through.  

I utilize various compatibility techniques to see the life potential of the relationship and how the individual natal charts support that mission.

Who is this for?

This reading is good for anyone looking to examine their unique one-on-one relationship dynamic.  This is not limited to romantic relationships.  This is also good for familial (parent, child, siblings), friendship, and business partnerships.  


  • 60-minute Zoom call with the option to record reading
  • PDF Document of the Compatibility chart


  • No prior knowledge of Astrology
  • Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and Time of Birth (within 5 minutes) of both individuals

  60 minutes – $185 USD


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